Climate Factsheets

We are developing factsheets on various climate, energy and ecology topics, packed with tips and tricks on how to reduce your impact on the Earth. They are free to download and use on your own websites, newsletters and socials:

If you have any questions or have an idea of topic, please email Tanya at 



The Climate Crisis

The climate crisis represents one of the biggest threat to human society we have seen in recent times. In recognition, on 12th December 2015, 195 governments agreed to a new climate deal (The Paris Agreement) declaring their commitment to limit the rise to 1.5°C. This factsheet gives a brief background on the science behind the climate crisis and what we can do about it.


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Reducing Carbon Footprint: Around the Home

As a result of human activity, the Earth is approximately 1°C hotter than pre-industrial times. It is clear we must act now to stop the climate breakdown. Whilst we need government support to make the greatest impact, we can start by making changes in our everyday lives to reduce our carbon emissions. This factsheet presents some actions you can take around the home.


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Air Source Heat Pump Guide & Mythbusting

Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) are a renewable heating technology that extracts warmth from the outside air (even when it's freezing) to heat your home and provide hot water.

Find out more with this mythbusting factsheet.


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