Imagine lots of homes in the area which have installed eco-features opening their doors to the public for a few hours over the course of a week to help inspire others to improve their own homes. Imagine visiting a few of them yourself and seeing renewable technologies and energy saving products in action in real homes. You might even open up your own home to show it’s eco features to others and explain what you’ve done, how, and why.
The first ever Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire-wide Eco Homes Open Week took place in March 2013 and attracted just under 100 visitors. In 2014, 325 people visited 17 homes and other buildings. In 2015 more than 200 people visited 10 homes and buildings.
These events were co-ordinated by the Community Climate Action Network (CCAN) and involved householders and community groups across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. The CCAN is made up of more than 300 individuals representing more than 80 climate change-focused community groups, plus a range of third sector organisations and local authorities in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. It is funded by a number of local authorities in the two counties who work together as the Local Authority Energy Partnership (LAEP) and delivered by local charity Marches Energy Agency.
We do not currently have any further events planned. More information about the services the CCAN currently offers can be found here.